Dabar laukiu stebuklo :)
My nettle leaven keeps working for a while and stinks enough. I diluted it (one cup of that stinky thing and ten cups of water) and tried to water everything with it.

Balkonininkystė, tai tokia daržininkystė, kuri vyksta balkone.
My nettle leaven keeps working for a while and stinks enough. I diluted it (one cup of that stinky thing and ten cups of water) and tried to water everything with it.
Paprikas sodinti šiemet dar tikrai nevėlu. Ne sėti, bet nusipirkti sodinukų ir sodinti.
AtsakytiPanaikintiSodinukų - taip. Bet juk iš sėklos pačiam užsiauginti kaip smagu... :)