My dear cucumbers started to grow something, I could only call new roots.

Tad nusprendžiau, kad atėjo laikas juos apkaupti. Pribėriau daugiau žemių, užžėriau kotus iki apatinių lapukų, tikiuosi jiems patiks. Su daugiau šaknų agurkai galės pasiimti iš žemės daugiau drėgmės ir maistinių medžiagų, o tai jiems labai pravers po keleto mėnesių, kai jie bus jau daug didesni. O kol kas jie atrodo va šitaip:
So I decided that it is the time to put more mold on them and that is what I did (is there an English word, meaning “to put more mold on the plant, so that it could produce more roots”? My dictionary doesn’t know it. Maybe it is "mounting"?). Hope they will like it. Having more roots it will be easier for them to take water and nutrition from the mold and this will be really useful for them few months later. Cucumbers look like this now:

Getting dark…
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