2009 m. gegužės 31 d., sekmadienis
Šunų diena
2009 m. gegužės 30 d., šeštadienis
Kita Balkono Pusė
Mažos draugystės

Tik vienas, mano numylėtas Green Zebra pomidoras kažkokius juokus krečia: va šitaip susuko vieną lapą.

Iš vakaro. Ryte lapas jau buvo normalus. Protingi žmonės rašo, kad viršūnės raitosi nuo azoto pertekliaus, vadinas, truputį pristabdyt reikia su arklio kaka ir su dilgėlių raugu. Tikiuosi, čia ne kokia liga...
P.S. Nebepamenu ar gyriausi, bet turiu dar tris Betalux pomidorus. Tai viso... devynios pomidorų rūšys mano balkone. O kitiems metams JAU turiu visokių sumanymų... POmidorai juodi, pomidorai svyrantys...
2009 m. gegužės 27 d., trečiadienis
Juokai su baklažanais
2009 m. gegužės 26 d., antradienis
Naujas laistytuvas

2009 m. gegužės 24 d., sekmadienis
Pirmieji pirmieji žiedai

Agurkiniai darbiukai

2009 m. gegužės 22 d., penktadienis
Kaip aš sutelpu

Manau, kad laikui bėgant vis dėl to daugelis pomidorų keliaus tiesiog ant grindų ir galės augti ten.

Dar apie natūralias trąšas
2009 m. gegužės 19 d., antradienis
Karpažolės šturmas

Na, jau patenkinta?
2009 m. gegužės 17 d., sekmadienis
Kuoliukai pomidorams
Apie tai, kaip nereikia visko susėti per tankiai

Pirma užduotis kitiems metams - išmokti nesusėti viso pakučio labai smulkių sėklų į vieną vazoną.
Na bet kadangi dabar dar ŠIE, o ne KITI metai, tai laiškinius svogūnus subėriau bet kaip. Vis tiek greičiausiai nesudygs, nes sėklų galiojimo laikas pasibaigęs. O jei sudygs, tai užrašas ant pakuotės teigia, kad jie suauga per pusantro mėnesio. Kaip tik tada jau galėsiu juos rauti, nes bus visai striuka su vieta balkone.
Svarstau, ar pavyktų priversti vijoklinę šparaginę pupelę driektis balkono... lubomis. Nes jas ji jau pasiekė, tiesa, kol kas stovėdama ant spintelės. Jei vazoną pastatyčiau ant žemės, ji dar galėtų kiek palipėti... Bet būtų visai nepatogu ja laikyti ant žemės. Hm. Dilema.
Gėlės 2

Mano svogūnų keptuvė


Einu gamint iškilmingų sekmadienio pietų (šaltibarščių :)), o tada jau laukia balkoniniai darbai.
2009 m. gegužės 16 d., šeštadienis

Agurkų kaupimas
My dear cucumbers started to grow something, I could only call new roots.

So I decided that it is the time to put more mold on them and that is what I did (is there an English word, meaning “to put more mold on the plant, so that it could produce more roots”? My dictionary doesn’t know it. Maybe it is "mounting"?). Hope they will like it. Having more roots it will be easier for them to take water and nutrition from the mold and this will be really useful for them few months later. Cucumbers look like this now:

Getting dark…
There are a lot of things, happening in my balcony, without my knowledge or will. I am nearly sure, that there lives some kind of sprite, who also balcony-gardens a little when I don’t see him. Seems like he is the one, who sowed an euphorbia leuconeura kid near my sweet pepper. Euphorbia leuconeura also grows in my balcony together with her four children (this is one of this small number of plants, growing at my home, which are neither vegetables, nor orchids. In fact, except of veggies, spices and orchids, there is only this euphorbia and a strelizia reginae, grown from seed, living on my windowsills).

The fact, that the same little plant grows close to passiflora makes me even more sure it is euphorbia leuconeura. Oh, so I also have to passifloras J
Seems like a little strawberry seed somehow got close to the strawberries, I planted as seedlings.
In this tray I planted lettuce. Guess there is no need to explain, who sowed parsley
2009 m. gegužės 15 d., penktadienis
It’s been a week since I sow luffa’s seeds. And they started to germinate. Pleasant, especially because I’ve read they need about three weeks for germination.

I also spread some basil seeds to the tray with small sized tomatoes and some extremely old purple basil seeds with “Yellow pearshaped” ones.
2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis
Bulvialapių pomidorų ypatybės :)
Differences between tomato leaves made me really interested. So I found out, that tomatoes like “Japanese Black Truffle” are called “Potato leaved tomatoes”. These are completely normal tomatoes, not some kind of potato-tomato hybrid. Potato leaved tomatoes have also a little different blossoms – their stigmas are more “out of blossom” than usual tomato’s, so this means they can easily cross with other varieties. It is very important to remember if you plan to gather some seeds from your fruits for next year, because your “Black Truffle” may grow into “Green Truffle”. Of course, it may be a new cool variety, but also can be something disappointing… This is why it is always clever to keep some new seeds unsowed – so that you would not loose a variety from your “collection”.
Neįtikėtinai Prastas Laistytuvas

I want a normal sprinkler. Small one, with a rose on it’s “nose”. But where will I find one, non-futuristic?...
Pomidorų diena 2. Įvairovė.
Tomato varieties differ a lot even when they still have no fruits. This is how a simple „Green zebra“ looks:

I hope it is seen in a photo, but this tomato is fluffy. It will harvest fluffy fruits and differs from others from the day it germinated. Lovely.
The leaves of “Japanese Black Truffle” is totally different from others. It’s leaves are similar to pepper’s leaves.
My tomatos are still very small… We do not purport to the “First tomato of the year” title. But we didn’t even planed to…
Pomidorų diena
Today I re-planted the tomatos again. Not all of them, to be fair. I simply finished the mold and was really lazy to walk to the supermarket for one more bag... Ugly wind outside, gloomy... Seems like I still have too many tomatos, even after packing a tomato package for Vike. A „Red cherry“, trying to collapse out of his pot, other onse – smaller „Red cherry“ and a baby „Yellow pearshaped“ – were taken away from their big brothers. You see, when i was re-planting themm for the first time, sometimes two tomatos went to one pot, especially if they looked small and I doubted if they will survive... But they survived. I don‘t know what to do with them now. Keep?..
2009 m. gegužės 12 d., antradienis
2009 m. gegužės 11 d., pirmadienis
Visokie pipiriukai
I planted the last sweet peppers into their pots. The were sowed really really really too late, before sowing, I didn’t soak them, so they were germinating very hardly and grew up really slowly. But I see the little chillies, who got their own pots last week and started to grow fast at once, so I hope that these black sweet peppers “Oda” will do just the same. The text on their seed packet says, they grow only as high as 40 cm – wonderful for a balcony garden. The basil, thinned together with the chillies, also feels good and alows me to forecast a good harvest ;)
Liūdnas įrašas apie kartais aplankančias nesėkmes
I was thinning the spices. In fact only parsley, methika and coriander. The extra lemon-balms were simply thrown away, because it is impossible to move these tiny plants to other pots without damaging their roots. Ah, doesn’t matter, they do not suit for mojito’s anyway J I re-sowed majoran, tried to leave enough space for every plant, but these seed are sooooo small… Tomorrow dills will be used for salad, together with green onion and… the radish leaves. Yes, I have no more patience, tomorrow the radish will be teared of the tray and will leave it for the plants, who WANT to grow in my balcony. Radish simply do not grow any roots, maybe the tray was too shallow… Now it is too late to sow them, I have to wait for autumn’s longer nights and colder weather.
2009 m. gegužės 8 d., penktadienis
Tinklas agurkėliams
I have bought a special net for runner plants.
Today I took a piece of it and fixed it for the cucumbers. I couldn’t make a photo, showing how it looks, because the net is made out of transparent plastic, so it is nearly invisible in photos.
Dilgėlių raugo gerumai
My nettle leaven keeps working for a while and stinks enough. I diluted it (one cup of that stinky thing and ten cups of water) and tried to water everything with it.

2009 m. gegužės 5 d., antradienis
Idėjos Vikės balkonui
My friend Vike, whose dog is my dog’s brother, lives in
Also lettuce and various herbs will grow in a balcony – parsley, dill, basil, majoran, rosemary and others. You can even plant a grapevine!
But if I had a big, bright, unglazed balcony with still some space left… or a little yard… I would surely grow something like this:
You can find such pots in “Thomas Phillips” shops, it is a little bit too late to sow strawberries this year, but you will buy the seedlings in a market place. Put some compost into this container, plant the strawberries in and… wait J And protect it from saucy birds.
And if you don’t want to spend money on the container, you can buy a big compost bag, shake it well, cut the holes (they are marked) and you can plant something into these holes.
The yellow runner strawberries I planted (I mean I bought seedlings, not sowed them myself) got buds and decided to blossom. My heart nearly broke, but I picked all of them – it is said, that picking the first strawberry buds make them blossom more.
Moved the last tomatos to their own little pots. Chilly peppers are trying to climb out of their box, I will have to move them as soon as possible. I look around my garden – so many works to do J I have to thin the spices, snap-beans scream that they need some trellis. It is time to plant the spring dahlias to the parterre. I should better go do all these farmer’s works instead of writing stupid things here.