2009 m. birželio 21 d., sekmadienis


Gėda, gėda, pamiršau pagirti agurkus. Va kaip žydi, va kaip lapoja, va kaip agurkiukus augina. Gražuoliai mano.

3 komentarai:

  1. Hi Vaiva,
    I'd love to be able to read your blog - it looks really nice. Any chance of you adding a "translate" button to the sidebar? I'm sure that lots of other people who come in from Blotanical, like me, would really appreciate it.

  2. Hello, Sue,

    Do you mean if I could write both English and Lithuanian? Sure, doesn't make any problems if someone is interested (and it is very kind of you)... I just have to find out or decide how it should look technically :)

  3. I think that would be great, Vaiva! I was actually going call my dad and read the post to him and have him translate for me!!!!!! Janet


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