2010 m. balandžio 15 d., ketvirtadienis


Mano pomidorai šiuo metu atrodo štai taip:

My tomatoes look like this at the moment:

Pabandykim pavardinti:/Let's try to name:
Black Sea Man
Purple Russian
Japanese Black Trifle
Yellow Pearshaped
Tumbling Tom yellow
Roman Candle
Red Cherry
Armonika ("Squeezbox")
Penis (taip taip, čia ne klaida/yes yes, it is not a mistake)
Green Zebra
Red Pear

5 komentarai:

  1. Žiūriu pomidorai tau labai patinka :) Ir kokie jie jau dideli pas tave? Maniškiai šiandien tik dygti pradėjo.

  2. Tai kad tiek tų rūšių... Visus išbandyti norisi... Supranti...
    Kokius pasėjai?

  3. Suprantu, mano stabdziai dar gana pakenciamai veikia, kol kas... :)
    As sejau "Vilma" ir "Perun" veisles.

  4. So happy to see your tomatoes doing well; we started six different varieties this year. Spring is here!!

  5. What are these varieteis, Diana? Are they something new, or something you tried before and liked a lot? My Grandma loves Betalux tomatoes. And she makes about 100l tomato juice every year. And these juice are AMAZINGLY TASTY!!!


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