O čia - augantys salotų daigeliai. Linksta į šviesą, tad tenka sukinėti vazoną.
It is an evident spring in my balcony. Thick and strong sprouts of radish and metrika are slowly but surely geting out of the ground, also little tomatos are erupting, so they are now taken to the balcony, together with majoran and lemon-balm. The seeds of majoran and lemon-balm are so smallm that I didn.t put any ground on them, so now I can see the tiny white shoots comming out of them. It is a pitty, that my photography skills are too poor for making a photo of them.
And here are growing lettuce shoots. .The keep turning towards light, so I have to turn the pot from time to time.

P.S. Mano super druper egzotiškosios pomidorų sėklos atkeliauja :)
P.S. My super duper exotic tomato seed are coming :)
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