I know I said I will no longer mess up with nonsenses like radishes or lettuce in my balcony. But. Unexpectedly (?) a 65l pot appeared in my balcony - watermelons should move to it when it gets warmer. I decided I have to be sure, if my previous experiments with radishes didn't went well because of the lack of soil, or because of the lack of sun (I vote for the second reason). There should be enought place in this pot. And lettuce... they just fit close to radishes :)

Aišku, kubilėlis kurį laiką bus užimtas, bet mano arbūzai kol kas atrodo šitaip... Turint omeny, kad jie nėra labai spartūs augalai, tikiuosi iki persodinimo spėti nuimti ridikėlių bei salotų derlių.
Of course, the pot will be taken for a while, but my watermelons look like this at the moment... Keeping in mind, that they are not the fastest plants, I hope lettuce and radishes will have enought time to harvest.