I’ve been reading about the value of lettuce. Seems like they improve digestion and metabolism, have very little calories, control the liquid balance in ones organism, they have a lot of vitamin A, iron, magnesium, calcium, kalium, copper, iodine… They also protect from cancer and calm the nerve system. And I really need something to calm my nerves with, because I can not forget lettuce sprouts, which died tragically when thinning them. I also keep thinking about growing a tomato plant upside down (if I’ll decide to try it – I will surely tell). Guess before going to sleep I should go and sow some lettuce seeds. But now I will try to leave some space between the seeds.
2009 m. balandžio 26 d., sekmadienis
Nedidelis pastebėjimas apie sėklų daigumą
After planting the tomatos to new pots, I can see how different varieties germinated. The bigger ones – “Yellow pearshaped” and “Red cherry” – from the similar amount of seeds (ok, I didn’t count them) grown about 30 plants of each kind. The small variety (most suitable for balcony garden) – only 9 plants… Of course, this amount of tomatos is far too big for me, but anyway…
Ah, and I also sowed three seeds of every kind of tomatos, got from Loreta. I have two young seedlings of every kind J Just what I need.
Kiek darbelių, kiek darbų
My little garden is going crazy. In the middle of the week I moved my yellow tomatos to other places and the cucumbers will now live in their new tray. Today I planted “Red cherry” and “Balconi red” tomatos and I have no spare pots left at all J But still have thing to thin, gladly, they can still wait for a while.
Both left orange sweet peppers “Gourmet” are now just the same size, so I can not tell, which one is the “Big one” and which is the “Small one”. One will go to my friend Audrone and the other will go to a nice big pot. Seventeen chilly peppers are still in one little pot, methika smells like mushrooms, majoran, strawberries, coriander and lemon-balm keep growing their real leaves and are waiting for thinning.
The snap-beans are amazing. Week and a half passed since they were sowed, and they are about a span big (they must have grown o couple centimeters while I am writing). I can not decide which ones are more beautiful – pea shoots or bean shoots… (Peas looked like little dragons while germinating, now they hang to the sticks I gave them).

2009 m. balandžio 19 d., sekmadienis
Forecasting frosts. Just to be calm, I brought tomatos, perpers, cucumbers, strawberries, basil and the tinny verbena shoots back to the room. Together with the passion fruits. Hope, others will be ok.
P.S. It is obvious, that at least 60% of my thinned lettuce established. Hope others will get better soon. My Grandma says, that thinned lettuce grow really good – hope mine will too.
2009 m. balandžio 17 d., penktadienis
Lietuvių kalba
Nulėpausio ir Striukumbuko pėdomis
One of my favourit books since my childhood was and still is a book, called „Nulėpausis ir Striukumbukas“ by A. Zurba (these are bunny names, not sure if I can translate them). I was screaming with laughter and knew the book by heart. The book tells about two lazy bunnies and the socialist-bunny society, trying to make them „useful“. I remember, they weren‘t good at music, even at school they weren‘t good... Finally, both bunnies were sent to plant cabbage. Oh how funny it was to read, that every time, when Striukumbukas squeezed the cabbage seedling, it braked... Oh how I used to giggle, when reading, how Nulėpausis eat these broken plants... Ha ha ha... Now I can tell you: NOT FUNNY.
What did I do with the seedlings that left? What a question. Just what Nulėpausis and Striukumbukas would do. I ate them J
2009 m. balandžio 15 d., trečiadienis
Šparaginės pupelės
Before going to sleep I sowed five snap-bean „Blauhilde“ seeds into a big pot. These should have long purple pods and grow like a bindweed. One wall will be for snap-beans, other – for cucumbers. I hope perpers and tomatos will learn how to levitate by themselves.
Being blinded by infinite greediness, I sowed far too many tomato seeds. And they, snakes, seem to be very fertile. It is becoming obvious, that some of them will have to go to samo Good People. And these Good People come to be very different – some of them want to grow tomatos in their greenhouses, others – in some nice clay pots, others, mabe, in some trays. So I can not adapt to everyone‘s needs, so I decided to put the tomatos to some temporary pots. That is why I started to store plastic dishes from yoghurt, plastic bottles and other similar stuff. And they are kept in a balcony, so today I decided to put it in order. I took the empty plastic bottles, knife, siccors and out of this....

(„Tauras“ beer is not mine!)
Made that:

Funny, but fairly ecological. Chilly peppers keep growing and there are already 15 of them, so seems like I will need more of these pots...
Susimąsčiau, o kuo gi aš maitinsiu savo balkono daržoves? Chemikalais - nesinori, nes tokių ir parduotuvėje nusipirkti galima. O tikėtis, kad toks didelis vijoklis kaip agurkas išaugs maitindamasis tik tuo, kas jau yra substrate bei vandenėliu... nee... netikiu...
Taigi, pasiknaisiojusi interneto platybėse radau kažkokį stebuklingai atrodantį receptą. Natūralesnio jau nebegali būti. Tereikia glėbį dilgėlių užpilti vandeniu (primena močiutės receptus, prasidedančius "paimi varškės, pili miltų") - proporcijų neradau. O kadangi ir šviežių dilgėlių kol kas nežinau kur gauti, nusipirkau vaistinėje porą pakelių džiovintų :) Kainavo abu apie 10 litų, bet juk ekologiška, ania? Dabar dilgėles (viso 60 gr džiovintų dilgėlių ir 3,5 l vandens) reikia rauginti apie dvi savaites, tada skiesti santykiu 1:20 arba 1:10 ir laistyti augalus.
Everything is growing really good and I really want to start thinning, but the common sense says I still have to wait for a while.
So I started to think, how will I feed my vegetables?
I do not want to use any chemistry, because I can buy veggies with chemicals in any shop. And hoping that such a creeper as cucumber will be able to grow “eating” only the things, he gets from compost and water… no… I don’t believe it…

Matysim, ar veikia :)
2009 m. balandžio 10 d., penktadienis
vėl ridikėlių reikalai
Sudygo vasariniai jurginukai ir serenčiai. Nakčiai jau viską palieku balkone, išskyrus tai, kas dar tik dygsta. O po Velykų, atrodo, bus laikas pikiuot agurkus ir pomidorus.
Thined the radish… Maybe some will survive.
Spring dahlia and marigolds germinated. All the plants (except of the ones that are still trying to germinate) stay in a balcony even at night. Seems like it will be the time to thin the cucumbers and tomatos after the Easter.
2009 m. balandžio 7 d., antradienis
Ridikėlių reikalai
I am more and more skeptical about the radish growing in pot. Read some smart articles on the internet and this morning I hoed, put some extra compost on and fertilized – “peat extract” sounded so innocent. But I will start looking for some organic fertilizers, because I do not believe, that such a big plant as a cucumber can afford to fruit in a pot without some extra nutrition...
2009 m. balandžio 6 d., pirmadienis
"Tai grožį padarei"
“You made such a beauty”
Seems like I will have to miss the concert of “Sounds in G”, because no matter I will only be twenty six, my back reminded me about itself…
Dar ir gėlynas
Came back home. Got a hoe (the stickers with the prices on are so ugly – it is impossible to scratch them of), little rake and some seeds of marigolds, spring dahlia and verbenas. This is because I decided, that the garden in a balcony is not enough, I also will take some care of the little plot under our block of flats. It is a terrible mess there now – cigarette-ends and other trash are lying around. A neighbour says, that a couple of old people used to take care of that parterre, but seems like there health is not good enough already for this kind of work… There grows a jasmine, juniper, also some other plants are trying to germinate under all this trash. So I decided to go and tidy that place, also put some flowers there (besides the ones I brought, also want some foxgloves and in autumn I will have to put some bulbs there).

I bought marigolds just on purpose – some people say they have unpleasant smell (can not understand this, I really love marigolds), so hope this will protect the flowers from some drunk strangers…
2009 m. balandžio 5 d., sekmadienis
Verbų sekmadienis
It is unbelievably warm today. Brukne is getting worm on the balcony floor and she doesn’t even suspect, that soon here will grow tomatos and other good things. Yesterder I sowed a few seeds of each – “Princessa”, “Green Zebra”, “Ur best”, “Fluffy” and “Japanese Black Truffle”. Today also some hot pepper “
I start to feel a shortage of surfaces for the pots…